Bangor 400 Seashore Festival

Bnagor Seashore Festival, J Orr


2013 marks the 400th Anniversary of Bangor’s town charter and the celebrations continued over the weekend of 29th and 30th June 2013. The town hosted Military Bands and vehicles, a spectacular display of modified cars, street entertainers, market stalls, HMS Bangor visited and there was even a selection of cars from the Ford Capri Owners Club!




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Bangor 400 Seashore Festival, J Orr
Three sailors looking for a ship

There were characters roaming Eisenhower Pier dressed in period costume.


Bangor Seashore festival J Orr
Stop Check Point

Those of us over a certain age will remember the times when we would probably see a sign like this most days and Murphy’s Law dictated that it would always be when you were in a hurry to get somewhere


Bangor Seashore Feastival J Orr
Central Band RAF

This is the Central RAF Band being directed by an official photographer who had to get things exactly right. Now look at the young lady first row right and will see that she is smiling and looking across to the young lady first row second left who seems can barely stop herself bursting into laughter. Not what the official photographer would’ve wanted but makes the picture for me.


Bangor Seashore Festival, J Orr
Having a Good Time

These two ladies were posing dressed in costume and certainly entering into the spirit of things.


Bnagor Seashore Festival, J Orr
Touring the Town

Before everyone went home some of the custom and modified cars did a lap of the town.